Already in my childhood I was fascinated by the underwater world. In my memories we children were often at a lake in summer. Equipped with diving mask we have always dived and yet never reached the deep bottom of the lake.
I was born and raised in eastern Germany. Today I live and work all over Germany and the Netherlands.
What motivates me to travel the world with a big camera or to dive into the depths of the seas and lakes? That beautiful saying from the French film director Robert Bresson (1901 -†1999) describes exactly my motivation:
“Make visible what might never have been seen without you.”
Today, millions of images are photographed every second.
I try to make my perceptions visible by combining my skills with the use of the latest digital camera technology. I also try to link the old-established analogue medium format photography with the digital world.
This is how my beautiful pictures are created and the studio is the whole world.